Monday, September 26, 2011

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls and Hawaiian Chicken

Good evening everyone.  How are you doing with your 3-2-1 Movements?

Here is where I'm at.  I dropped off our food items at the church where we are doing a collection for the food pantry.  I also picked out really soft purple blanket and deodorants to take to the Woman's Abuse Shelter here in Madison.  It was the "1 part" that I was having difficulty with.   I really wanted to do something for someone that would have an impact in their life.  I just couldn't come up with anything.

Then the other my friend, Katrina, and I were having another one of our cooking days.  Man do I love these days.  We decide ahead of time what recipes we are going to make and get all the ingredients in order.  We each end up with several meals in the freezer for our families.  While we were "slaving" away in the kitchen in between taking care of the kids and rocking little baby Gabriel I figured out who I was going to help.  Actually I came up with two families I was going to help.

That day I sent home an extra meal with Katrina.  And knew I was going to walk across the street and hand over a pan of homemade cinnamon rolls and some Hawaiian Chicken.

Let me tell you a little about our new neighbors.  They moved in the this summer and recently had an adorable little girl.  I met her for the first time a few weeks ago when she walked over while we were having our garage sale.  I've never been good about walking up to strangers and giving them free food  but I was willing to give it a shot.  So this afternoon when I saw that they were both home I trotted across the street and knocked on the door.  I was greeted with confusion and wonder.  When I told them why I was there she gave me a hug and couldn't stop saying how unexpected and nice it was for me to bring them over some nice homemade food.  I sure hope that my few meals can relieve the stresses of having a newborn.

What are you up to?  I would love to hear your stories.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

We kick off this Sunday. Are you ready?

3-2-1 Movement officially kicks off this Sunday.  I feel it's fitting that we are starting on a day (Sept. 11) when so many lost their lives that we are starting a movement centered around love and giving.  Please check out this post Hidden Valley Community Church put up this week.

I hope you will share your stories with me.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Josh Wilson - I Refuse (Slideshow With Lyrics)


Welcome to 3-2-1!!
 In a world where there are so many needs it can be intimidating as to where one should start. 


3 – Donate 3 of something to a local food pantry.  3 food items, 3 bags of food
Items most needed:

2 – Donate 2 items to a local woman’s shelter, men’s shelter or homeless shelter
Items most needed:

1 – Help 1 person when they least expect it.
  • Pay for a stranger's coffee at the gas station.
  • Help your neighbor carry in their groceries.
  • Bring a busy mom a meal.
Check the tabs above for more information on the items needed most and other ways you can help.